Counseling for Social Justice in Colorado

Compassionate support for working to understand our privilege and use it to create change

None of us created institutional and systemic oppression…

Yet,  we are still molded by and contribute to them as we move through the world 

And we are all responsible for unlearning the harmful messages received and ways of being we have learned because of oppression.

We are still responsible for doing our part to shift this reality; dismantle systemic oppression inside ourselves, relationships, and communities.

And we all benefit from that work

Therapy can be a great place to do the learning, processing, and growing needed when working to understand our privilege. I work with folks who are working on shifting how they move through the world to continue growing as human beings and create a more beautiful world.

We often need to create a circle of accountability in our lives to get to the heart work around our privilege.

I would be honored to be a part of that accountability as you examine how your privileged identities and experiences have shaped the lens you view the world through. 

We can reshape our lenses through expanding our awareness of the world to include experiences of others whose bodies move through the world in different ways and with different experiences than ours.

You know very personally the importance of this work

This work is particularly important to those of us who move through the world with our own marginalized identities and experiences. And sometimes we struggle to understand that our marginalized identities and experiences do not absolve us of perpetuating other types of oppression toward various marginalized communities we aren’t a part of when we are in places of privilege.

I take an intersectional approach in my work

I am experienced in doing this kind of work, both personally and professionally, with individuals from various marginalized communities, namely white queer and trans individuals navigating the ways they can perpetuate racism, classism, and ableism.

This is Life-Long Work…

and it can be daunting!

Sometimes it can feel like there are so many bad things happening out there in the world, and nothing we can do to change it. 

There is a lot happening out there. And being able to look away is often a privilege too. There are many things you and each of us can do to change all that is happening out there.

And that work starts
in here.” 

That change starts with the work we do inside ourselves, then in our relationships, then in our communities, and then out there in the world, all while still continuing to do the internal work in the layers before.

Let’s commit to the work in ourselves…

And let’s do that work in relationship together. You can find the support here to do more of that work with patience, encouragement and accountability while moving toward feeling like you can make an impact and contribute to changing this pain in the world.

There is so much pain in the world… 

much of which is caused by institutional and systemic oppression. 

You don’t have to be debilitated by the enormity of it all…

Or act out of alignment with your values and needs …

while feeling responsibility for creating change in areas where you hold privilege…

due to guilt surrounding those privileged experiences and identities.

You can bring sustainable reflection, intention and action toward social justice and liberation

Reach Out

If you are looking for a non-judgmental space to process, learn, heal and grow through accountability and compassion.